Greetings, dear user. Welcome to RORITHM, my site where I host a variety of things ranging from things such as writing, personal projects, and more. I like to make things about what I enjoy the most or what I feel, so most of it will be found here for anyone to view if they wish.This site is still in a "work-in-progress" state for the foreseeable future. Therefore, many changes will come. I will try to keep updates, but do not be surprised if changes are made suddenly. You can see updates in the respective tab found below.
What is this?
This site is where I essentially talk about or host whatever I feel like, particularly in relation to my interests. It's not a very interesting or huge site, but I plan to make some nice web-pages for you to explore, so please feel free to stay as often as you will.Please keep in mind that not everything on my site is SFW. I host things freely here, and this is my space to do so; you are a guest here. If you do not like some of the content found here, do not continue. However, I will host warnings on the web-pages with graphic content, so you can choose not to go to them if you are uncomfortable. Do not access web-pages marked as "R18" or "R18-G" if you are under the age of 18 years.
Site Map
About (TBA) / Guest-book / Directory (TBA) / Stamp Collection (TBA) / Blinkie Collection (TBA) / Critter Den (TBA)Fun Stuff
Yumedanshi (TBA) / My Kins (TBA) / Shrines (TBA) / My Writing (TBA) / ColorsTCG / Limbus Company / Link Book (TBA)Dark-SIDE [R18-G]
RORITHM Dark-SIDE contains content that is not suitable for those under 18 years of age or those who are easily disturbed.TO BE ADDED
Unaffiliated with RORITHM